Saturday, October 17, 2009

Festival of lights!!!

Here comes diwali with a bang and all of us definitely busy with the celebrations....
its a festival of lights in the true sense.the preparations for diwali begins atleast 15 days b4 there is a hustle and bustle all around people are happy and everyone enjoy it with true joy...
this festival touches each and every strata of the society and the way of celebration is some wat similar in every class of the society but the difference lies in the quantity of celebration as a poor cant effort to glow a big diya wic consumes a lot of oil as bt he glows the smaller celebrates diwali...
sometimes i wonder that our Indian tradition has bestowed on us such a rich heritage and culture that v shud b thankful to our ancestors.each and every festival in our calender has some or the other reason in it and these festivals act as the bonding element btwn the ppl. as its during these festivals only v all come together to njoy and this imbibes in us a sense of social commitment and social awareness...Festivals acts as a tonic for our mental health. One needs exercise to maintain our physical health bt festivals help us maintanin the mental health...
Celebrating diwali also has many reasons as diwali comes in the month wen winter begins and our body undergoes a change in enviornment so v rightly eat all those sweets and heavy food items to compensate this change..there is a tradition of giving sweets to neighbours, relatives, frnds etc this builds up the society as in our daily life v r so busy that v hardly care abt who lives next door bt durin festivals only it happens that v interact much..we lit diyas and lanterns this is the way of filling lights in the darkness this darkness is the darkness of our ignorance thus it gives the message of removing ignorance frm our lives...thus each and every deed wic v do in diwali has some reasons
BUT we must not forget the child labour involved in making of our crackers this kills many of the children as they r involved in it as the labour is cheap..v must not forget that there is a problem of global warming so v must try n lit less crackers to reduce pollution so v can gift this tradition to future generation..v must try and do good deeds of atleast giving some of the sweets to less privileged as it wont affect much if v dont eat some bt it means a gr8 deal for the underprivileged...thus v must njoy the joy of giving during this diwali...we must not forget that just lightening up the diyas and lanterns v cannot remove darkness frm the lives of underprivileged instead it is by the good deeds of sharing our joy with them...
So this diwali v must come together for a cause of removing darkness frm the life of less fortunate so that v can say that diwali in true sense a festival of lights!!!!!