Sunday, January 17, 2010


The year 2010 started off with a bang...As in many of the engineering colleges this marked the beginning of placement season. Engineering students gearing up for the aptitude test and Interview is a very common scene in every Engg college..So was the case with my college.It was 7th Jan when a company arrived at our campus and nearly entire college turned up.This was a very rare sight of such a no. turning up and very excited to appear for the exam which normally is not the case. The auditorium was full and all eagerly waiting for the Company's presentation to finish and exam to commence soon.There was a hustle and bustle among the students.The students could be well divided between sections like those appearing for GRE,CAT,BOTH and some just dying to get a placement.There was this common agreement between the students not appearing for CAT or GRE that the ones appearing for these exams should not sit for the placements which obviously is very wrong as these people do equally have the right to sit for the placements(everyone would like to have security in their carrer).So it was just an arguement going on between students prior to aptitude test but this arguement never resolved as both the parties thought that they are right on their views....
Finally the exam started and the students who were very much argueing a while ago were all put in the same boat.Everyone now tried to give his/her best shot to clear the exam.After the aptitude test and before the announcement of the results is the time where nearly everybody are very nervous and tensed but there are a few who are in "dont care" condition.This time gap is truly a testing time for each one who appeared the exam.Finally the clock strucks and the results are out,there is a silence in auditorium while results are announced.After the results there was a sense of satisfaction on the faces of students who cleared the exam and a feeling of frustation amongst the ones who didn't manage to clear the exam. I was also one among who could nt clear.At that moment it was very difficult to digest this failure. I felt very dejected and sad.But i tried to cheer up my friends who cleared written exam and now waiting for interview.
This was the first time in my life i was facing failure and which was not a gr8 feeling. There was a strong fight with myself to come out of this and accept the fact. These are the testing times in your life when you feel very dejected and lonely and a person who develops the knack of handling such pressure situation can only succeed in his/her life.During such situations you could rightly figure out the true friends. Many of my friends called me up but only a few were actually worried about my condition.I am glad that such a situation arised in my life which was actually helpful in separating the true friends from the others.My true friends helped me out in fighting this situation and the rest were least bothered.Finally after two days i managed to clear both the written test and the interview and i was quite happy with that.......
But when i saw the list of people who didnt even manage to clear this one,made me sad again.To my suprise the people who failed in their second attempt were not as tensed and hyper even they are the ones who actually need job as they have responsibilities which i dont have and even then they managed to be happy This taught me a lesson which i will remember for my life and that was "Accepting the failure with happiness will reduce your sorrow of failure" I hope these people will get the job soon....
So people what i think is when a sad thing happens to you always beleive that there is a better thing waiting for you in future.......JUST DONT WORRY BE HAPPY!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your placement.
    Well, you handled failure very well to spring back.
    I guess people just need the belief that they will suceed to keep going on.
    Keep blogging
