Friday, December 11, 2009

A Second Chance!!!

IT is not that everyone in life gets a second chance.You can very well ask the importance of the second chance who has just survived a fatal accident,who has survived after a natural calamity like floods,quakes etc or simply ask a player who has been back into the side after being dropped from playing at the first instance
In life we do get many chances it entirely depends on us on how do we utilise it to make a better life out of it.I am writing this because i have seen such cases who utilized this glirious opportunity & fought back to regain whatever they had lost.These are real life stories not just written for the sake of glorifying the importance of a 2nd chance.
First story is of my very own friend younger to me by a year or so.This frnd of mine was not a bright kid in his schooling life nor he was great at studies.he use to just manage to pass.But in 10th std he failed in two subjects as it in its very difficult to face people after failing in SSC the very HYPED examination in our society.So he was quite depressed by the but as i say there are 2nd chances so he managed to take control of one of them.He passed out boards and in the mean time he got to know himself as in his areas of inerest and he came to a conclusion taht he would make his career in COOKING.And as decided he went into hotel management and now he's cruising into success as he enjoyed his work.the other day when i met him i saw a completely different personality with immense Enthusiasm,Confidence &Energy.Such inspiring ws his fight..
The second story is of one of our family accquaintances.A person very good at heart,having lots of friends and a sort of HAPPY GO LUCKY person who enjoyed holidaying and partying with friends and in short a very happy man.But one incident changed his life.He was a Banker and once he was a guaranter for helping his friend in getting a loan of 20lakhs.But this friend of his was not able to repay the loan and now the burden of 20 lakhs came on this middle class person who had hardly expected this from his friend>he was completely destroyed because his friend defied him and secondly coz of the financial burden.So he restored to ALCOHOL to fight his problem inspite of the fact that he was diabetic and once operated.At this point no friend of his came to his rescue the same friends who njoyed his free parties showed a back to him. He was all alone but now his family came to his rescue but by this time he had lost all his belongings even his hard earned house.But then he himself decided to spring up in life and as i always say there is always a 2nd chance.In his life only good thing happened was his family supported him and gave him the confidence that he can regain whatever he lost.As he had his job on so 1st thing he did was he left alcohol secondly he left all his greedy friends and lived a completely different life than his previous one After such sacrifices he sprang back to a good life and now he's again settled in life in his own house and he learned to differentiate between a greedy friend and a real friend.Such was his fight truly emotional yet inspiring
Thus from the above to incidences its clear that life gives us chances the only thing we must do is identify them and make good use of it.Therefore my friends never be dishearten by failure because there is always A SECOND CHANCE


  1. Good post, nicely conveyed your thoughts. Springing back again in life requires courage. Many a times it's about creating a second chance rather than waiting for a second chance. Good examples!

  2. hi,
    was blog hopping and happened to visit ur blog...

    nicely put.i have always felt it is standing up after the fall that matters the most. and absolutely agree with sanket, create that second chance than waiting for it.
